Posts By: Sarah Brazil

Annual Report 2020 published

Our Annual Report for 2020 is now available. The Annual Report includes highlights from the past year as well as our financial and management information. Read it for the latest updates on the new online payroll service EdPay, which we’re building for schools. There’s also statistics from our latest customer satisfaction survey, which show that… Read more »

Statement of Performance Expectations 2020/21 published

Education Payroll has published its Statement of Performance Expectations for 2020/21. This document explains what we do, and the areas we will be focusing on in 2020/21. It covers the performance measures that we will hold ourselves against in the areas of delivering the pay, debt management, salary assessment, ACC administration, cybersecurity and the responsiveness… Read more »

Retiring Novopay underway

Education Payroll has begun the process of retiring the old forms-based payroll system Novopay. The first NOVO forms that schools use to give payroll instructions to Education Payroll were retired in June. The lengthy, complicated forms NOVO 1t and 1nt were used to add new employees, which is now done via the new online schools’… Read more »

No flies on us!

How’d you like to be the one flicking the switch on a full disaster recovery changeover to an alternate data centre, right in the middle of a world-wide business continuity incident? You’d be doing it all remotely, and for good measure you’d be running New Zealand’s largest payroll from the alternate site, with 94,000 school… Read more »

Education Payroll wins internal auditing award

Education Payroll has won the prestigious Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand 2019 award for Team Excellence in Internal Auditing. The team lead by Manager Ronnie Chang won the award for its deep integration of internal auditing into all aspects of Education Payroll. Chief Executive Arlene White says the team is fully embedded into all… Read more »

All schools have access to EdPay

All schools have access to the new online school’s payroll service EdPay. Schools are saying the new online service is friendlier to use than Novopay and easier than filling out and emailing in forms. Education Payroll is building EdPay in stages, and is designing the features with help from schools to ensure it meets their… Read more »

Around 1200 schools have access to EdPay

Education Payroll has made the new online schools’ payroll service EdPay available to around 1200 schools in September 2019. There’s been a core group schools that have been trailing EdPay and helping to shape its features since March, and that’s been critical to producing a payroll service that works for schools. The big learnings from… Read more »

Collective agreements payment dates for teachers 2019

The $1500 one-off payment for full-time employees who are covered by the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement, the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement and the Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement will be made in the pay of Wednesday July 31. The payment will be made pro-rata for part-time and relief teachers. The new pay rates and back… Read more »